Give your team hands-on expertise working with Cisco experts on rigorous automation and product training. Then, get ready to watch them swiftly automate your business and help you realize the long-term value of your technology investment.

Cisco training bootcamps for teams

Give your team hands-on expertise working with Cisco experts on rigorous automation and product training. Then, get ready to watch them swiftly automate your business and help you realize the long-term value of your technology investment.

DevNet automation bootcamps

Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for Enterprise Networking

Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for ACI

Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for Meraki

Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for NSO

Operations and troubleshooting bootcamps

Cisco Operations and Troubleshooting Bootcamp for ACI

Cisco Operations and Troubleshooting Bootcamp for SDA

A rigorous schedule builds strong knowledge

Receive kickoff learning materials

Attend a five-day instructor-led class

Attend a four-day deep-dive instructor-led lab

Reinforce knowledge with self-paced training and follow-up sessions

Attend office-hour sessions to support their learning

Follow a Cisco training bootcamp case study

Intensive technology training program for larger teams

Cisco training bootcamps offer in-depth training that gives your team the knowledge they need to build a reliable, scalable, and secure infrastructure. Available for groups of up to 12 people, this multi-week learning is tailored to your team’s skills and goals.

Check out a case study with Cox Communications Senior Director, Dave Burns, and his team on how Cisco training bootcamps helped ignite their automation transformation.

Cisco training bootcamps case study

Select from Cisco training bootcamp options for teams

Cisco training bootcampSKU
Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for ACISVTRNE-ABC-ACI-A
Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for MerakiSVTRNE-ABC-MERK-A
Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for NSOSVTRNE-ABC-NSO-A
Cisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for Enterprise NetworkingSVTRNE-ABC-ENT-A
Cisco Operations and Troubleshooting Bootcamp for ACISVTRNE-ABC-ACI-P
Cisco Operations and Troubleshooting Bootcamp for SDASVTRNE-ABC-SDA-P

How to order a bootcamp for teams

Order through CCW or contact your business development manager (BDM)

You can either contact us to order Cisco training bootcamps for teams or you can order directly through Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW) using the previous SKUs.

Have additional questions?

We’ve consolidated a list of questions you might have about the open enrollment of bootcamps for individual training.

Earn Continuing Education credits

Your team will receive Continuing Education credits when they complete any of the bootcamps and can use the credits toward recertification.

AcronymBootcampILT creditsDDL creditsTotal credits
ABC-ACI-ACisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for ACI404080
ABC-MERK-ACisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for Meraki403272
ABC-NSO-ACisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for NSO504090
ABC-ENT-ACisco DevNet Automation Bootcamp for Enterprise Networking403272
ABC-ACI-PCisco Operations and Troubleshooting Bootcamp for ACI503282
ABC-SDA-PCisco Operations and Troubleshooting Bootcamp for SDA403272

Let us find a training solution that best meets your needs

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

If none of the available bootcamps meet your training needs, let us know, and we’ll find a solution that works for you.