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Cisco CCST certifications

Exams and training

Overview Exams and training Community Resources

What you need to know

Exam basics

  • Exams are delivered in a secure environment by proctors, either online or at testing centers.
  • Grading is pass or fail, and your results are available online, usually within 48 hours.
  • Exams are available worldwide in English, and some are available in additional languages.

Training basics

  • Multiple training options are available, so you can study whenever and however you want.
  • Choose from Cisco U., self-paced e-learning courses, labs, simulators, practice tests, and more.

Not sure where to start?

The Cisco Learning Network is where you can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other members as you prepare for your certification exams.

Transform your organization with Cisco programs and courses

Upskill your entire team in an interactive, real-world environment. Led by expert instructors, group training encourages collaboration and takes your team’s productivity to the next level.

We're here to help

If you have questions about getting certified, we’ve got answers. Learn how to register for an exam, check your certification status, and open a case about your certification.