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Cisco Certified DevNet Professional

Exams and training

Overview Exams and training Resources

How to earn your DevNet Professional certification

At the professional level, Cisco certifications focus on both core subjects, and specialist skills designed to help you differentiate yourself in the market. To earn your certification, you’ll take a core exam and a concentration exam of your choice. You’ll also earn a Specialist certification for every exam you pass, so you can show off your unique skills to employers.

Pass the core exam

Pass 350-901 DEVCOR: Developing Applications Using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs to meet the core exam requirement for the Cisco Certified DevNet Professional certification. Passing this core exam automatically earns you the Cisco Certified Specialist - DevNet Core certification.

Exam overview

This exam tests your knowledge of software development and design including infrastructure and automation considerations, using APIs, and deploying and securing applications—all on Cisco platforms.

Exam details

  • Cost: $US400, or use Cisco Learning Credits
  • Languages: English, Japanese
  • Duration: 120 minutes
  • Grading is pass/fail and results are available online within 48 hours
  • This exam can be used toward recertification

Choose your concentration

Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions

Passing this exam earns you the Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist - Enterprise Automation and Programmability certification, as well as helping you work toward your Cisco Certified DevNet Professional career certification.

This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing enterprise automated solutions, including programming concepts, Python programming, APIs, controllers, and automation tools.

Exam details

  • Cost: $US300, or use Cisco Learning Credits
  • Languages: English, Japanese
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Grading is pass/fail and results are available online within 48 hours
  • This exam can be used toward recertification

Study for your exam on Cisco U.

Studying with Cisco for your exam is not required, but it’s recommended. Cisco U. ensures you have all the knowledge you need to pass your exam. You’ll get all this and more:

Guided learning

Follow guided Learning Paths created by Cisco pros that teach you exactly what you need to know to pass your exam.

Pre- and post-assessments

Take pre- and post- assessments to gauge what you know, and decide what you still need to study.

Hands-on labs

Practice your skills with real Cisco products so you’ll know your way around the tech you’ll be using in your job every day.

Practice tests

Jumpstart your progress towards certification success by checking your exam readiness. Practice answering questions before it counts.

Browse all DevNet Professional training

Explore the full training catalog to find addtitional intstructor-led training and e-learning options.

The Cybersecurity certifications community is where you can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other members as you prepare for your certification exams.

Not sure where to start? Join the community.

The DevNet certifications community is where you can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other members as you prepare for your certification exams.

Two people talk in front of a computer

Transform your team with training for organizations

Up-skill your entire team in an interactive, real-world environment. Group training, led by expert instructors, encourages Transform your team with training for organizations collaboration and can take your team's productivity to the next level.

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Certification support

Visit the Learning@Cisco Centralized Support tool to search FAQs or open a case about your certification.