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Cisco Intersight IT operations platform displayed on desktop, laptop and phone

Cisco Intersight IT operations platform


See what simplified IT operations can do

​​Join our engineer-guided Intersight IT operations platform demos, view them on demand, or schedule a one-on-one session to see for yourself.​

​​Hybrid cloud demo series​

Watch our hybrid cloud series

Join our next live technical walk-through and ask us questions. Check out the different use cases and latest features we highlight each month.

Simplify UCS fleet management

Get comprehensive visibility

See the inventory, health, and performance of your entire UCS fleet from one dashboard.

Consolidate and control operations

Configure, deploy, monitor, manage, and support your physical and virtual infrastructure—wherever it is—from one place, even when you can’t physically be there.

Automate tasks and workflows

Deliver applications and infrastructure fast, reduce operational risk with standardization, and increase productivity of existing staff.

​​Watch featured demos​

​​Demos on demand​

​​Take a self-guided demo, get a hands-on walk-through, or view short Cisco Intersight platform videos.​

Cisco Ask the Expert Sessions

Need help getting started? Featuring platform demos and Q&A in real time, these Customer Experience sessions are designed to give real-world support.

One platform, simpler ops

See what cloud-based infrastructure lifecycle management can do for you.