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Uncover sophisticated attacks and leverage machine learning to prioritize incidents across multiple security controls based on risk score and asset value.
Streamline incident response by simplifying preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, and recovery, which can involve anything from adding a worknote to implementing an automated response.
Get comprehensive device inventory and contextual awareness to simplify security investigations and identify gaps in coverage, while keeping track of device counts and assessing security posture to stop threats before problems occur.
Effortlessly monitor security incidents, endpoint compromises, mean-time-to-resolution trends, and more in one place with Control Center's preconfigured and customizable dashboards, designed for easy information sharing and tailored to specific roles.
Cisco XDR
Built by practitioners for practitioners with built-in integrations across the Cisco security portfolio so analysts can detect and respond to the most sophisticated threats.
Cisco XDR
Includes all features in Essentials plus commercially supported and curated integrations with select third-party tools to rapidly respond to threats regardless of vector or vendor.
Cisco XDR
Offers XDR as a managed service provided by Cisco security experts. Includes security validation through penetration testing and select Cisco Talos Incident Response services.